What You Need to Know About Masturbation

What You Need to Know About Masturbation

Masturbation can help relieve stress and anxiety. It can be a healthy way to explore your body and discover what feels good for you. It can also be a way to practice self-care and self-love. Although there are differences between males and females masturbation.

They have different orgasms and masturbate differently. Pleasure, fantasies, erogenous zones, health benefits etc. are common for both. But as to the act itself we must differentiate, and this Blog is about how to do it – for men. Females can get some inside information that you can practice next time you’re having sex with your man

Before masturbation there is of course a desire to feel pleasure, and to accept and embrace this is so important for enjoying masturbation. In another Blog we wrote how the Brain is the biggest sex-organ, and first of all it’s about allowing oneself to be grateful for our ability to enjoy sexual arousal, joy and pleasure. Accepting this is the first step, and the next is to actually start. 

Here is some background information about masturbation

I do not know how all men like it of course, and there’s also a difference if the guy is circumcised or not, but read on and see if you can find a hint or two. I  am not circumcised btw.

So while aroused and horny a man feels this whether on the bus or in bed. How often he feels the urge is very different, cause the level of horniness differs a lot between men due to different hormone levels, experience also. Sex is a bit like “the more you have the more you manage”. 

Even I myself am horny pretty much always, but the pleasure and fulfilment of cumming with a woman is greater than masturbating, regardless of how good the masturbation-orgasm is. Many men masturbate multiple times a day, some not at all. Age has a big impact.

Young men are more constantly hard than elders. Personally I don’t masturbate while living with a girl, basically just because I don’t need it, or want it.

Girls who have not yet begun masturbating don’t because they have learned it’s not right. Where boring adults have been scaremongering and have carried out propaganda of intimidation since childhood. Men normally haven’t the same barriers, maybe because it’s considered more accepted or normal. 

Hey girls, there’s no reason for such a difference, and in many societies today girls masturbate as much as men, and have lots of pleasure with it. Because they don’t let old myths destroy their joy. And because they don’t let their brain put barriers which hinder having pleasure.

Dildos and vibrators bring masturbation to new levels for girls. Of course, both men and women like real sex best, but there’s no reason to stop practicing while apart from another, or single for a while.

Fantasizing about masturbation

While masturbating and having pleasure alone it’s nice to have a fiancè, GF or beloved wife to think of. The time before starting having physical pleasure I like to lay down, close my eyes and be thinking of my beloved, fantasizing, dreaming and hoping. What always turns me on a lot is to think of her sexy and erotic appearance, her lips, her smile, her sexy black ass and her unused tight pussy. 

In my experience, here is how I masturbate

Men do this in different ways, and all is ok of course, when the desire is there and the cock starts growing hard it’s just to get ahead and enjoy. In my case, it’s most common that I do it in my bed, either in the evening or in the morning. Doing it in the evening makes the cock next morning more throbbing hard. 

First I turn the light down, I lay down on the bed, naked and start touching my dick and around. I put a lot of oil on the cock-head and distribute it over the rest of the dick and backwards towards the ass while holding the dick firmly and moving up and down.

The forehead I move up and down over the glance, making sure it’s never ever dry. Squeezing it hard from time to time feels good, while stopping the up and down movement. 

How fast to move is difficult to say, but it’s also good to move it slowly in between moving faster. While pain increases pleasure because the body and nerves will strive for pleasure to beat out the pain, I like to use clamps on my nipples, thus making the pleasure greater.

While the pain from putting on clamps makes me roar I immediately increase speed while wanking my cock, feeling the delightfulness increasing to new heights.

To increase the amusement I then also find my G-spot which is just inside anal. This is a very sensitive area and is challenging for others to stimulate as they can not feel the effect. The G-spot grows in size as the orgasm is approaching and it gets more and more sensitive.

While wanking my cock more and more intensively I touch the area around my G-spot, while always making the pleasure surmount the pain. 

When feeling the climax is close I touch my G-spot even more, but not too much because that in fact ruins my pleasure. And so I wank even more, moaning and screaming more and more, now feeling ejaculation is beginning, screaming even more…..

While the last drop of cum is on my stomach I have to remove the clamps urgently, because now the pain is overwhelming and painful, as opposed to when combined with pleasure.

Afterwards it’s just nice to stretch out and lay down and relax and enjoy the bed, looking forward to meeting my fiancèe again.

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